What is a relationship all about?

It is about making your partner the most important person in your life. But not in your own perception, in his/her perception.

If you make stupid jokes about your partner and he/she asks you to stop, what do you do? Do you answer that it is just a joke and it does not matter so he/she needs to stop exaggerating? Would you answer the same if it were your boss or your parents?

…so, who is the most important person in your life? How do you demonstrate it every day? Not listening? Shouting? Barking? Cutting the conversations? Patronizing? Trivializing the topics important to them? Criticizing him/her? Telling him/her that they talk or want to be close to you too much? Hugs and kisses and romantic looks are boring and overwhelming to you?

Maybe, just maybe, this is really not for you. It is completely natural to need to talk to the beloved one, to share happy moments as well as problems, the feelings… If your partner asks you to stay a moment with them, just caressing them, what do you do? Tell them that there is something more important? Or, you do it, as the most boring duty in the world with a discontented expression on your face and then you run away as quickly as possible?

So why to be in a relationship at all? If for you it is boring and you want it only your way, that is not a relationship anymore… this is dictatorship.

And who would like to be a part of that… maybe a masochist.