
Just Come With Me

The strongest drug that exists for a human being is another human being.



Lost in Ogun


today our hands

feel distant,

separated by an astronomic unit

yet just a sigh apart


I feel your gravity on my skin 

suddenly cold, oddly indifferent 


so after all

we left behind our sunlight 


on the burning red sands of Ogun


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Relationship – is it for you?

What is a relationship all about?

It is about making your partner the most important person in your life. But not in your own perception, in his/her perception.

If you make stupid jokes about your partner and he/she asks you to stop, what do you do? Do you answer that it is just a joke and it does not matter so he/she needs to stop exaggerating? Would you answer the same if it were your boss or your parents?

…so, who is the most important person in your life? How do you demonstrate it every day? Not listening? Shouting? Barking? Cutting the conversations? Patronizing? Trivializing the topics important to them? Criticizing him/her? Telling him/her that they talk or want to be close to you too much? Hugs and kisses and romantic looks are boring and overwhelming to you?

Maybe, just maybe, this is really not for you. It is completely natural to need to talk to the beloved one, to share happy moments as well as problems, the feelings… If your partner asks you to stay a moment with them, just caressing them, what do you do? Tell them that there is something more important? Or, you do it, as the most boring duty in the world with a discontented expression on your face and then you run away as quickly as possible?

So why to be in a relationship at all? If for you it is boring and you want it only your way, that is not a relationship anymore… this is dictatorship.

And who would like to be a part of that… maybe a masochist.




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Before and After

I'm just looking for that someone who will show me the way

 to this one place in my soul 

that is filled with warm peace

 so that madness would never haunt it anymore
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The Real Experience

When I was a student, one of the tasks I got, was an essay about a book written by a Spanish novelist. Free choice.

I chose Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s The Shadow of the Wind. I have been always completely crazy about any book based on the concept of a story inside the story – a box inside the box. Discovering the secrets, linking facts and revealing the truth. Obviously The Shadow of the Wind is one of them. The action takes place in Barcelona and this is exactly the reason why I have been recently thinking about the Zafon’s novel again. I have started dreaming about visiting Barcelona almost 8 years ago. This is not only the love of the language and the culture but also the mysterious atmosphere and the marvelous architecture which make the place so special for me. The city described in the novel is full of secrets, the streets are leading you to meet your love, destiny or a sudden adventure. I immediately fell in love with Zafon, his writings and Barcelona. I wanted to take a stroll, following the steps of the characters from the story. I dreamed about the adventures and having the opportunity to experience the city. After 8 years I finally made my dreams come true. I cannot express the excitement of seeing the city  I have been thinking about for so many years. One of the first places I visited was the Basílica y Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia. Stunning view of the building stopped me when I walked out from behind the corner. All the sides, the facades are the beauty and perfection itself. But it was nothing to compare with the impression of the interior. Imagine the style of the building like from a fairy tale, the columns inside like enormous trees and the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my life, the sunlight entering to the Basilica through the stained glass windows, playing with the colors, making them alive, animating the interior.  I did not know how it happened but I spent there more than two hours, sitting, walking and admiring the view, while the tears were running down my face. If there is any place in the world to experience the beauty of the light, it is for sure La Sagrada Familia. Pure mysticism. The time spent there made me calm and peaceful.

Later, like I planned before, I took a stroll following my friends from The Shadow of the Wind. Happiness and joy were filling my soul. I was flying over the ground, the streets and meeting myself after so many years. For sure it was my destiny to be there and gain this experience. Like coming back home, to a place I had never known but I belonged to.Barcelona episode was beyond the consciousness, like a the spiritual union with the absolute. Unforgettable moments

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