I did not die yesterday and I even had a good evening with my flatmate, a 22 year old kid, full of energy, funny and interesting. Yes, we drank a half of a bottle of bourbon and we talked, listened to the music and laughed.

So the major outcome is that I really want to travel Latin America on a motorcycle. The idea is burning me up. Of course it could be only BMW GS 800/1200 or something the same class. Sergio was showing me the most beautiful parts of Mexico and I was amused by the beauty of nature and the stunning, ancient architecture.

Starting from California, through the Mexico, then Isthmus of Panama to Colombia, Venezuela and then back to Colombia, Ecuador and via Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay up to Argentina and finish in Chile, Punta Arenas. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

And why the hell not? My friend told me: you should say goodbye to your family if you want to do it. No need darling, nobody will notice I am not here.
